
Soil and habitat studies and laboratory works

Accredited soil science laboratory

The Soil Science Laboratory of the Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy in Branch in Kraków has been operating on the Polish market since 1975. The high quality of chemical tests and physical properties of soils is ensured by the implementation of a management system in accordance with the requirements of the current edition of the Polish Standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025 ‘General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories’.

The laboratory is a member of the Polish Research Laboratories Club POLLAB, registered under No. 706.

Our strengths are primarily:

  • extensive experience and knowledge;
  • permanent staff with many years of professional experience;
  • test methods based on current standards and test procedures;
  • measuring equipment of renowned global companies;
  • the highest quality of tests confirmed by quality control effective in the laboratory;
  • participation in international and national proficiency testing programs.


The Soil Science Laboratory has an accreditation certificate of the Polish Centre for Accreditation for testing chemical and physical properties of soils, in accordance with the scope of accreditation No. AB 945:

  • pHKCl and pHH2O by potentiometric method;
  • Kjeldahl nitrogen content by the titrimetric method;
  • content of total nitrogen by high-temperature combustion with TCD detection;
  • content of total carbon by high-temperature combustion with IR and TCD detection;
  • hydrolytic acidity by the titrimetric method;
  • granulometric composition by the areometer-sieve method;
  • the content of exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) by flame absorption atomic spectrometry (FAAS).

Other tests in the field of laboratory activities outside the scope of accreditation No. AB 945:

  • determination of carbonates;
  • determination of total sulphur;
  • determination of exchangeable acidity and content of exchangeable aluminum;
  • determination of assimilable potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium;
  • determination of micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe);
  • determination of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb, Cd);
  • determination of conductivity/salinity;
  • determination of the sum of bases;
  • determination of moisture and dry matter;
  • determination of bulk density.



Accredited Soil Science Laboratory
Senatorska St. 15
30-106 Kraków

Head of the laboratory:
Alina Stala, MSc BEng.
Phone: +48 12 421 75 92, extension: 19
             +48 698 094 343