About us
Enterprise organization
In terms of organization, the Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy State Enterprise is a multi-unit entity.
The basic organizational units are:
The Management Board, with head office in Sękocin Stary, 21 Leśników St.
12 Branches:
- Branch in Białystok;
- Branch in Brzeg;
- Branch in Gdynia;
- Branch in Gorzów Wielkopolski;
- Branch in Kraków;
- Branch in Lublin;
- Branch in Olsztyn;
- Branch in Poznań;
- Branch in Przemyśl;
- Branch in Radom;
- Branch in Szczecinek;
- Branch in Warsaw.
The Management Board is the executive body of the Director of the Enterprise.
Branches of the Enterprise are production units, operating according to the principles of full internal economic settlement.