Management planning
Forecasts for the development of forest resources and availability of wood raw material
The long-standing experience of the Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy in carrying out forest management plans and national forest inventory gives our Enterprise the most complete and up-to-date knowledge on the condition of forests and the changes they have undergone in recent decades. This insight allows the Bureau to prepare forecasts for the development of wood resources. We carry out expert analyses of country-wide scope or for selected forest areas, with a forecasting perspective of several years to several decades. Forecasting is a part of the process of drawing up forest management plans for individual Forest Districts, but thanks to the integrated resources of the Forest Data Bank, it is possible to make forecasts for any defined area.
For the needs of the wood industry, we also make forecasts of the availability of wood raw material in the indicated areas of the country.
Please contact us at sekretariat@zarzad.buligl.pl