
IT and new technologies

Studial works

The Department of Studies, Information Technology, and the Forest Data Bank in the Management Board of BULiGL carries out expert work in the field of analysis and data processing on the country's forest resources (forecasts of forest resources development, availability of wood raw material, specialized studies and expert opinions in the field of forestry).

We cooperate with:

  • government administration (Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Central Statistical Office);
  • the State Forests National Forest Holding;
  • national parks;
  • scientific institutes and universities;
  • the National Centre for Emissions Management (abbreviated to KOBiZE in Polish);
  • commercial entities;
  • local self-governments;
  • the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).

We invite you to make use of our knowledge and experience.

Contact: sekretariat@zarzad.buligl.pl